
Professionals: What are the uses of drones in 2021?

April 21, 2021 by Nora Nesser

2020 has shown us how risky it is to make predictions and forecasts, but we have also seen structuring elements that allow us to identify major trends in drones for 2021.  Antoine Level, CEO of Squadrone System, gives us his top 5 of uses of drones that will be talked about in 2021.

Inventory and transport by drone

Drones are going to see a boom in logistics in 2021 and really be adopted. We’re seeing more and more solicitations and players in different logistics businesses and at different links in the value chain – whether it’s safe warehouse inventory by drone (barcode scanning), fleet inventory by RFID, or even transportation by drone.

Inventory by barcode scanning drone is one of the uses of drones that will revolutionize your business. Inventory drones have many features that allow them to operate in an indoor or outdoor environment. “A device allows the drone to move autonomously thanks to an integrated mapping of the warehouse and a predetermined flight plan. It is coupled to a system capable of identifying and capturing the information to be processed. It will be able to carry out the inventory, associate the image with its position in the warehouse and automatically translate its 3D position into a logistic address.”

Squadrone System’s drone inventory solutions allow you to automate laborious inventory activities. This allows logisticians to collect data reliably in order to gain flexibility, and to free up time for their teams by relieving them of repetitive tasks with little added value (counting, inventory, search for pallets, packages, …).

Similar to the principle of the barcode reader drone, the RFID reader drone can also be used to inventory stocks but this time outdoors. Squadrone System develops drone solutions capable of inventory, transport and control. The drone flies over a given perimeter and collects data thanks to sensors called RFID tag and associates a GPS position. The year 2020 has allowed us to deepen and develop solutions capable of detecting these tags. 2021 will see more and more experiments with end users.


drone RFID


Drone transportation is also one of the must-haves for drone use in 2021.

We believe that the sky will not be overrun with drones tomorrow, but that specific transportation uses of drones will soon benefit from a real drone contribution.

Transportation drones are strategic and allow companies to lower overall costs. Here are some drone transportation use cases you may have already heard about:

  •  Covid-19: The transport of the Covid-19 vaccine (you know that flagship virus of 2020) is also done by drone. Indeed, this type of transport is sometimes more secure than ground transport.
  • Medical opening up: drones can be used to transport emergency kits and medicines for the most isolated populations. These are great innovations in the service of health.

The transport drone allows security, economy and differentiation. As you can see, drone transport is a growing market, and investing in industrial automation is the right thing to do in 2021 to differentiate yourself from the competition.

usages drones -transport stork squadrone system

Inspection and monitoring by drones

The evolution of localization and autonomous navigation technologies allows today complex use cases of inspection by drone. We have identified many use cases for inspection by autonomous drone that will be confirmed this year. In addition, the RFID technology identified above, coupled with sensors, allows us to go even further in infrastructure monitoring.

Indeed, thanks to the drone, we are now able to collect data with reliability on infrastructures and large structures.

Monitoring brings real added value, particularly in the agricultural sector. Now the monitoring of plantation parameters becomes a child’s play. Equipped with specific sensors (RFID), the drone is able to monitor and analyze different parameters: humidity levels, temperature, and thus act accordingly, all without batteries or infrastructure on the monitored assets. Drone monitoring allows you to collect more data reliably, without batteries or complex infrastructure.  Inventorying stocks thanks to drones is good, but knowing precisely the characteristics of the stocks is even better!

Increasingly intelligent and industry-oriented drones

Among the most anticipated technologies for 2021, we also find Artificial Intelligence coupled with a drone. This duo is developing rapidly and can go beyond aerial imaging. Thanks to AI, you will be able to detect, identify, count, geolocate, track objects and finally alert.  

The applications are vast and today at the experimental stage. Among the applications that seem promising, we can mention: security, industry, logistics, the possibilities are endless. We have the impression that 2021 will be better than 2020…

Who says new year says change:

From January 1, 2021, European law will now apply to drone flight in France. Several major changes on the regulation are planned. As a reminder, French legislation differentiates between recreational and professional pilots. For professional use, the S1, S2 and S3 scenarios apply depending on the situation of use. As for the leisure drones, it is necessary to equip the professional drones of more than 800g with an electronic report and to register them on the AlphaTango website. Here’s what you need to remember about these new standards:

  • No more differentiation between leisure and professional users: a new classification will now be made according to the level of risk: “open” for low risk, “specific” for moderate risk operations and “certified” for high risk operations.
  • Then we find subcategories according to the weight of the drones and finally classes (C0, C1, C2, C3, C4…) for EC drones under Regulation 2019/945.
  • A limited open category is also present in the legal texts. It includes all drones weighing more than 250g that are not marked with the C0, C1, C2 classes. To date, all drones on the market weighing more than 250g fall into this category.


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6 September 2016UncategorizedDrone have been in the hype of news for a few years, you can see them fly in your local aprks and have read multiple news about how Amazon plans to deliver packages with drones or how Zipline delivers blood to African regions in need. Many consumer facing companies and other organisations, even the US government are intensely working on drone programs to accelerate their business, gain productivity and deliver higher value services to their customers. The drone eco-system has been flourishing with new companies from manufacturing to technology and service providers. However, there are still some major concerns preventing the massive deployment of drones for business or consumer use: regulations need to evolve towards an agreeable use for all, safety and robustness need to step up to be generally accepted and not feared anymore and finally, like any product, if it’s too hard to use, does it really bring value? Ease of use is key to general adoption.   Regulations Although consumers have been rushing to buy drones and are flying them everywhere in your local park and above your head while hiking in the mountains, drones are still under restrictive rules of usage, cannot be used in cities, national parks, near airports and even local agencies restrict usage on their territory. AirMap is reflecting most of the no-fly zones on their app and the US government is putting effort into making consumers more aware and comply with the law, asking everybody to register their device, follow safety rules and respect people’s privacy. AirMap aims at setting low altitude airspace management for UAVs in order to make flying easier and safer for all. On the commercial side, the brand new part 107 produced by the department of transportation and FAA effective since the beginning of the month just made it a lot easier to take advantage of drones capabilities for businesses. No more piloting license required or filing for an exemption which was a lengthy process for all parts. We should therefore see more and more drones flying around for commercial purposes, due to regulations flexibility, the pressure of businesses willing to use drones to deliver high value services (remember Amazon’s proposal for air traffic segmentation?) and the emergence of UAV ecosystem players coalition pushing for the multiplication of usage, there is no doubt that drones will become easier and easier to fly in the skies.   Safety and robustness Having an increasing number of UAVs above our heads is fine, as long as they don’t harm anyone, and this is a major society concern. Beyond privacy, you might remember the nearly fatal drone fall during the Ski World Championship last winter, falling right behind a skier on the slopes. Drones have been forbidden to fly in Rio around the Olympic games areas. You may also find all over the internet videos of drones falling from the sky or flying away for an inexplicable reason. It is critical that the industry players work towards making their systems unable to fail, under any condition, to be accepted by the general public, and most generally to be safe to be around, whether it is a public zone or not. Devices need to be reliable and solid inside out: materials, components and architecture, just as much as in their brain, as they become more and more intelligent. Failsafe behaviors, which are pre-programmed actions that will happen in case of unplanned situation, let’s say a motor failure and be able to fly with one or 2 less motors, anticipating low battery, GPS or connection loss plan for recovery or get a safe landing plan, are critical and too often neglected by too many manufacturers looking at penetrating the market as fast as possible, but this could cost a lot to the whole industry… Fortunately, industry leading manufacturers are integrating these features as they understand the need to overcome this fear to reach mass market adoption. Additionally, beyond the failure events, an overall system quality is required and this goes through the quality of HW but also, and a lot through discipline of development and the ability to ensure the system will NOT fail. Just like civil aviation requires very strict development procedure, similar development methodologies for drones will increase robustness, therefore safety of devices. Finicky drones, fly aways and unknown errors are what make drones unreliable and eventually what ruins the experience. These have already been implemented by few companies and need to expand to a larger spectrum of devices. There are already ongoing discussions about safety certifications, pushing for increased robustness in systems and it will evolve in the right direction. As drones get more and more common in our everyday environment, this is “killer” feature, pun intented.   Ease of use Drones have been heaven for hobbyists for many years allowing them the joy of building, piloting and seeing the world from above. As drones penetrate the consumer market, anybody can “technically” now pilot a drone and no need to build from scratch. Businesses that saw an interest in aerial shots with precision and accuracy still require someone techie enough to manipulate this engine, and that’s slowing down business. Indeed, the revolution will truly happen once it will be possible for anyone to easily operate a drone to get it to do what brings value to their job. Ultimate simplicity of use and intuitive interface will allow drone adoption. The good news is that, in the consumer market, we’re already seeing autonomous drones that do not require any piloting, whether from a remote control or a smartphone, they’re completely self-flying and will follow you around and avoiding obstacles, but interfaces are still a little clunky and still look very nerdy. This is kinda like the smartphones before the iPhone: very powerful machines with plenty of advanced functionalities accessible to consumers and businesses, but hardly navigable. The iPhone made smartphones usable and even enjoyable through a super simplified user interface. This is what needs to happen to the drone interface to allow literally everyone, at all levels to take advantage of this concentrate of technology. Of course, drones need to add value to consumers and businesses to take-off, but for drones to truly fly everywhere and see the world benefit from the power of drones, it will require a combination of technology excellence to be 100% reliable and safe and incredibly easy to use interface which will make regulations evolve, in the right way. Squadrone System enables anyone to capture any type of data providing easy to use self-flying devices that interact with an ecosystem of connected devices and applications.Squadrone has a proven track record of fast development cycle of intelligent systems. Leveraging on the autonomous flight technology developed for its first product, Hexo+, the company now extends its capabilities to B2B applications. [...]Read more...
20 December 2016UncategorizedNot having to pilot a drone is a key component to drone commercial and consumer usage. We’ve seen more and more solutions taking-off, however raising some safety concerns when there’s no pilot in cockpit. We’re sharing here 3 good practices of our development process that allows Squadrone System to guarantee reliable, robust and safe flight. On our first project, called Hexo+, the first self-flying camera for consumers launched in 2014, one of the biggest challenge to bring the first drone that is NOT piloted to the public was to ensure that it could actually fly reliably without the user’s intervention, never requiring piloting skills. Getting a fully autonomous system means that you need to trust the technology (hardware + software) and rely on sensors.   True autonomous systems required qualified sensors Taking care of the basics sensors and material drawbacks is more complex than it seems. We faced many sensor limitations and issues during the development of Hexo+. In the civil aeronautics field, the best sensors are selected for their reliability and extremely good performances. Nevertheless, those sensors are very expensive, heavy and redundant, not suitable for a consumer facing product aiming at making aerial filming accessible to all. We therefore looked at consumer-affordable sensors, delivering acceptable performances, but with some limitations that have to be known. When controlling the drone with a remote control, the human pilot always counteracts the drawbacks of the sensors of the drone. For instance, it is known that compass typically drifts while in flight. Under RC operations, the pilot constantly controls the yaw of the drone to maintain its heading and the performances of the system are not affected. In a fully autonomous system, a compass’ failure induces the drone to perform fast and large circles (called toilet bowl effect) leading to serious crash and potential damages. The same observations can be made when a motor is getting lost on the system, when a propeller is broken, when any other sensors is not perfectly working. Truly autonomous systems need to rely on sensors and have capabilities to counter-act in case of sensors failure. Sensors and material limitations are one component to master in the development of a safe device, unfortunately they are not the only items that can go wrong on an autonomous system, that’s why we took it to the next level.   Risk analysis – anticipating the worst case scenario At the origin of the development, we built a risk analysis matrix, with a description of the risk, the likeliness to happen, the consequences of it happening to make the inventory of all possible safety issues a user can encounter. From a sensor failure, to motor breakdown to GPS loss, worst case scenario have been tackled by safety features implemented in the drone and the app, they’re called Failsafe behaviors.   At Squadrone System, we are convinced one of the key of adoption is the robustness of the system. Indeed, to make a technology acceptable to use around your family, your property, your business, people need to build trust in the system, that is why creating safe and robust drones has always been at the heart of all our developments. Our background in developing critical software for aeronautic applications allows us to be extremely aware of the failures possible and able to anticipate them. We leverage this experience to build fault tree analysis in our evaluation of risks, foundations for the construction of reliable hardware and software systems. Continuous test through development According to Les Hatton, professor at the University of Kingston in London, problems linked to programmation errors cost up to 150 billion Euros per year, in Europe only, and as we embed more and more code into systems to make them smarter, this number will rather increase in the coming years. Once some features are programmed, all the code is run on a simulator inside the company. When it gives satisfactory results, those software tests are then always run by the simulator thousands of time and it is time for real external tests to validate the real behavior of the feature. We conduct both unitary test, where each functionality is tested individually, and integration tests to make sure the development executes as planned without affecting the rest of the code. Finally, global validation tests are performed by our test team. The objective is to validate the whole behavior of the complete system, looking at the potential interactions between all the functionalities. We apply a thorough real life tests methodology, testing each individual feature on a multitude of cases and locations, then combining features and errors to test the reaction of all behaviors together. A study led by RMIT University School of Engineering and published in Aerospace states that researchers looked at 150 reported incidents between around 2006 and 2016, and found that 64 percent of incidents were because of technical problems. In most cases, they found that broken communication links were to blame. By applying a detailed and intense real life testing phase, our methodology has proven to bring up some issues that we wouldn’t want consumers to experience. With drones, it’s always better safe than sorry! Developing a complete intelligent systems requires deep understanding and mastering of all the components of the system. Taking the time to anticipate all scenarios, especially the worsts, and thoroughly test the whole solution in different situations ensure a safe and robust system, dramatically improving user experience and eventually, allowing all drones opportunities to take off. [...]Read more...
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